The ultimate list of things for your baby

Disclaimer: I write this post based on my experience. Every baby is unique. Every mom is unique. So please take this as my recommendation.

When I was probably in the 5th month of pregnancy I started panicking: “There is no way I could get ready all of these things for my baby”. I usually have a hard time buying a pair of pants for myself and now I had to buy a million things and I had no idea what to buy, where to start, basically what to even want.

I set up a Trello board with all the needed items. πŸ™‚ I felt like I really got my **** together. πŸ™‚

I don’t want to share a plain “to buy list” . There are dozens of those and they drove me crazy as they never explained why you need it.

I want to share a list of things based on my experience with an explanation why the certain item was useful or not.

It is a long list but after you read it you might know little bit better what to aim for.

Continue reading “The ultimate list of things for your baby”

SHORT ONE #2 – A happy family

I must confess I feel touched by lots of things these days. It started with the pregnancy and got even worse after the labor πŸ˜€

Today I was coming home by metro. I was getting ready to get off and still while the train was arriving to the end station I saw two kids on a platform jumping and waving. A little girl and probably her older brother. In the background there was their mom for sure.

Continue reading “SHORT ONE #2 – A happy family”

SHORT ONE #1: A pure joy

This is going to be my first short one. A short one means a short post up to maximum 50 words. πŸ™‚

I had a first chance today to go running. After 3 months and 2 weeks after my daughter was born. Well… let’s call it jogging. πŸ™‚
I used the style when you walk & run and you switch after a certain distance. Basically I went out for 15 minutes just to try it out. So no big performance. But every mom after either natural labor or a S-section understands that even walking after a month is a not much fun.

Continue reading “SHORT ONE #1: A pure joy”

A serious announcement

2 am.

I am lying in bed and got this splendid idea. I am gonna start blogging… Write a blog. Online! And tell the world how I feel after becoming a mother.

I am sure there are tons of moms like me who got to some point when they say to themselves “I gotta start doing something else besides wiping a bum of my precious child and saying silly things like I am gonna eat you, i am gonna eat you followed by million kisses on the baby’s belly “. πŸ˜€

Well, let’ s get to it.

Continue reading “A serious announcement”

Javascript 6 – prototype property

In my earlier post I used the prototype property to give all my cookies a method to scare away the Cookie Monster. It worked well but I started questioning what this prototype thing really refers to.

So I asked my true friend, the console.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ πŸ˜‰

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Javascript 5 – cookies vs. Cookie Monster

Once I read in John Resig’s book that a constructor is like a cookie cutter to make cookies. I found that very nice of him that he thought of people like me… who… who likes cookies and try to learn JS. Well, so I made up this little example. I have a cookie cutter, cookies and someone who eats them, the Cookie Monster. πŸ™‚

For those who don’t know Cookie Monster, this is him. Very scary guy.


This is my cookie cutter, properly said a constructor. It allows me to bake as many cookies as I want.

function MyCookie(flavor) {
 this.flavor = flavor;
 this.eaten = false;

Continue reading “Javascript 5 – cookies vs. Cookie Monster”

Javascript 4 – Everything is an object

I used to tell myself "Just stay away from the hellish objects and you’ll be fine". Well, that was quite naive to say when everything in JS is represented via an object.

CONFESSION: As I found out today not everything is an object. There are also these primitive value types like Undefined, Null, String, Boolean and Number that aren’t objects even though some of them can be represented as an object. This fact doesn’t change any of the stuff written below.

I used to tell myselfΒ  “Just stay away from the hellish objects and you’ll be fine”.
Well, that was quite naive to say when everything in JS is represented via an object. πŸ™‚

I did some short tests to see.

Object, like the real? one

[code lang=”js”]

var myObject = new Object();
myObject[‘0’] = ‘b’;
myObject[‘1’] = ‘o’;
myObject[‘2’] = ‘o’;



I created an object with 3 properties.

The __proto__Β  thing is an internal property. It points to an object myObject inherits from.

Continue reading “Javascript 4 – Everything is an object”