Javascript 6 – prototype property

In my earlier post I used the prototype property to give all my cookies a method to scare away the Cookie Monster. It worked well but I started questioning what this prototype thing really refers to.

So I asked my true friend, the console.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 😉

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Javascript 5 – cookies vs. Cookie Monster

Once I read in John Resig’s book that a constructor is like a cookie cutter to make cookies. I found that very nice of him that he thought of people like me… who… who likes cookies and try to learn JS. Well, so I made up this little example. I have a cookie cutter, cookies and someone who eats them, the Cookie Monster. 🙂

For those who don’t know Cookie Monster, this is him. Very scary guy.


This is my cookie cutter, properly said a constructor. It allows me to bake as many cookies as I want.

function MyCookie(flavor) {
 this.flavor = flavor;
 this.eaten = false;

Continue reading “Javascript 5 – cookies vs. Cookie Monster”

Javascript 4 – Everything is an object

I used to tell myself "Just stay away from the hellish objects and you’ll be fine". Well, that was quite naive to say when everything in JS is represented via an object.

CONFESSION: As I found out today not everything is an object. There are also these primitive value types like Undefined, Null, String, Boolean and Number that aren’t objects even though some of them can be represented as an object. This fact doesn’t change any of the stuff written below.

I used to tell myself  “Just stay away from the hellish objects and you’ll be fine”.
Well, that was quite naive to say when everything in JS is represented via an object. 🙂

I did some short tests to see.

Object, like the real? one

[code lang=”js”]

var myObject = new Object();
myObject[‘0’] = ‘b’;
myObject[‘1’] = ‘o’;
myObject[‘2’] = ‘o’;



I created an object with 3 properties.

The __proto__  thing is an internal property. It points to an object myObject inherits from.

Continue reading “Javascript 4 – Everything is an object”

Javascript 3 – Use console to debug or die

Using alert() to debug really sucks. I always have to pray for my inserted alert to come up and it often doesn’t and I have no idea why or I kill my browser by never ending loop with alerts I can’t stop or I would get this error Object object that basically says “Just Give It Up!”.

Well, alert time is over. I was told to use a console.log(). Suddenly the JS world seems a bit nicer.

I prefer the Google Chrome console. You can activate it by hitting F12.

Example 1 – feeling much better already 😉

[code lang=”js”]

var test = ‘Defined’;

var test2;



Continue reading “Javascript 3 – Use console to debug or die”

Javascript 2 – a function returning a function

I had some troubles with understanding this piece of code. [code lang=”js”]

var doSth = (function () {
var a = 1;
return function() {

/* The variable "doSth" points to an anonymous function
that is called afterwards via the brackets ().

It returns a piece of code that is then available in the variable doSth.
The returned code alerts the variable "a" incremented by 1.
FIX: it alerts variable "a" and then it is incremented by 1.

So now the variable "doSth" contains an executable code */


Continue reading “Javascript 2 – a function returning a function”

Javascript 1 – variable scope

I don’t understand Javascript and probably never will. I am not a programmer and probably never will be… unless i get hit by something and my brain will click into some programming guru mode. But still, I really would like to get at least some of the code I see from my colleagues or even write something that makes sense by myself. Something I wouldn’t call “neverusable”. Sooo hold your thumbs… if I lose this fight my brain is only good for coding HTML & CSS. 🙂

I realized I have to start and learn the basics properly. 🙂
I started with a variable scope.

Example 1

[code lang=”js”]
var a = 1;
function doSth() {

// This is quite simple.
// alerts 1
/* variable "a" has a global scope so wherever
you are in the code you can access it unless there is another
variable named "a" within the function you are calling the variable from */

Continue reading “Javascript 1 – variable scope”

Buchty recipe – Czech sugar buns

My recipe for “české buchty” is adapted to US measurements. You can see step by step how to make sugar buns from activating the yeast, making the dough, kneeding the dough, making the cheese filling with raising and finally making a nice batch of buchty.

Never had buchty? It is a simple but very tasty pastry made from basic ingredients flour, milk, eggs, butter and sugar. In Czech it is called “české buchty”, in English you can find a term “Czech sugar buns”.

Czech buchty - Czech sugar buns
Czech buchty – Czech sugar buns
Continue reading “Buchty recipe – Czech sugar buns”

Baked sweet rice dish with peaches or plums

In Czech we call it “Rýžový nákyp”. Just so you know in case you talk with somebody from Czech. 🙂

As I got this recipe from my mom in European measurements I tried to adjust it to US measurements. In brackets I left the Czech way. Here is what we need.

  • 3/4 liter of milk
  • 1 cup of rice (20 Dg)
  • 3 eggs
  • 7 tablespoons of UNSALTED butter (10 Dg) Leave the butter outside on the counter when you start cooking the rice so it will be little bit softer and easier to process it.
  • tiny bit of butter you have left for coating the baking dish
  • 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar (10 Dg) If you do it in deka gramms, just divide the sugar into 2 halves (1 half to mix with yolks and 1 half mix with whites)
  • breadcrumbs for coating the baking dish
  • can of peaches or apricots or plums
  • lemon zest
  • pinch of salt



Continue reading “Baked sweet rice dish with peaches or plums”