10 things what might happen when potty-training a child

I’ve heard stories a kid is off the diapers in 2 weeks . I believe it happens, but at the back of my head I think it is bull**** unless you have some genius who pees on demand and have no peeing accidents. πŸ˜€

This is our story. I let it all on Eli. All of these written below happened.

I will use quotation marks in every “training” word because the word training sounds like you train a dog or a monkey to do some trick. I can’t find any other right word. Maybe I should call it, based on the BLW method, BLPP Baby led peeing & pooping. πŸ˜€

Source: https://lifeasmama.com/these-10-parenting-comics-are-your-ticket-to-surviving-parenthood/

So let’s see what can happen when you potty-train a little adult…

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My story on BLW (Baby-Led Weaning)

If my daughter got a chance to go to β€œall you can eat” restaurant, she would get in, smell the air, then leave and she would be quite full. ? Sorry, Eli. I think it’s funny.
She is not and was not a big eater. The beginnings were tough. I got lots and lots of advice how to feed my daughter. The only thing that worked was lots and lots of patience and this BLW (Baby-Led Weaning) method.

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15 reasons why I don’t eat your baby food

Dear mommy, this is an open letter I am writing to you. I want to be honest with you because I do like you. πŸ™‚

Let me introduce you to 15 reasons why I don’t always eat your baby food. I managed to put together this list while you were sleeping in the morning. I don’t have an idea why you sleep in so much, I am all fresh in the morning. πŸ™‚

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10+1 things the quarantine taught me

I like that the most ideas about what to write next pops up in my head at 1 am or 3 am. Basically at the time when I should sleep so I am not a grumpy and a miserable mommy… πŸ˜€ Oh well.

I haven’t written a word for about 2 months. No! 3 months! ? I just didn’t have the right time, an empty room to sit down and write. It might sound like an excuse but really… suddenly I was cooking more, grocery shopping more, playing with my daughter more, cleaning more, being a staying home mom more…

The quarantine is over. And I finally feel I can start over.

I felt the urge to gather up things I learnt, I realized over this time πŸ™‚ It might sound silly but that’s the things that were going on in my, i call it, “a life bubble”.

1. Ironing a cloth face mask on top of a blanket made of plastic is a bad idea πŸ˜€

I was lazy to pull out the ironing board and I don’t know what I was thinking about but a fluffy blanket seemed like the best thing to iron on. Until I realized that the blanket is made of plastic. πŸ˜€ Oh ooh!

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How I started going to sauna

I was with my friends in JesenΓ­ky mountains about a month ago. There was a tiny sauna in the bed & breakfast. I decided to go with my friend even though sauna is not my cup of tea. As I had had a yoga challenge that week (each day only 5 minutes for healthier back) I felt like I had to accomplish other things as well. Soooo… I had to empty the bucket of icy cold water over my head. πŸ™‚ Once I managed to pour it down over my head I immediately found a joy in this quite stupid activity πŸ˜€ THE BUCKET got me. πŸ˜€ It was an indescribable joy. I said to myself, sauna with a bucket that’s my thing now.

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A mommy thumb? A tendon overuse and inflammatory

If someone had told me that I could suffer from “a mommy thumb” after pregnancy I would have laughed at him and said that my thumbs are just fine. Well it has been happening… pretty much since my daughter was born. It is not about thumbs that much as it is about a painful wrist. Recently I discovered that there is a sexier name for this issue and it is DeQuervain’s tendinopathy. Now I feel quite special πŸ˜€

The actual situation: I have a 7 months old daughter, I started lifting her up under her arms at her chest. I hoped that the pain would go away. Nope, it did not. I possibly have both wrist inflamed and my elbow started hurting as well.

What is DeQuervain’s tendinopathy?

Source: https://www.summitortho.com/services/hand-wrist/hand-wrist-related-conditions-treatments/de-quervains-tendinitis/

De Quervain’s tendinopathy is an inflammation of two tendons and their tendon sheath in your hand/wrist. Your wrist is in pain and you basically can’t grip, rotate your wrist, move your thumbs certain ways. The issue starts usually after 4-6 weeks after labor, by carrying a child and as one smart guy explains in the video below due to the pregnancy hormone relaxin that loosen your ligaments you then overuse your tendons and they can get easily painful and inflamed.

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Hello. Are you (not) breastfeeding???

The main reason why I wanted to write this post is to cheer up fresh mommies who can’t breastfeed or have some difficulties.  

Don’t get me wrong. I agree that breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby and you as well. Plus, it doesn’t cost a thing, you don’t spend time by preparing the formula, you don’t need to sterilize all the ****. The milk is instant. Can’t beat it. Who wouldn’t agree? But when it is not working it is not workiiiiing. Nothing you can do.

Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/gfFOT
Continue reading “Hello. Are you (not) breastfeeding???”

True story: Baby’s first carrot & sweet potatoe

Important info first: My daughter is now 5 months old and she is not breastfed. She is on baby formula. It is slightly different with breastfed babies.

When I was little I used to hate carrots. It was all mushy, no taste. And now at my 39 I am making my daughter eat the same stuff. πŸ™‚ No wonder that she doesn’t like carrots. This is our story how my baby daughter started with the “solid” food.

?Baby Eli vs. Carrots?

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The bonding exists

When I was born in 80’s there was no such thing as a bonding with your baby after a labor. The baby was placed strictly into a different room with a window so daddies could wave at you, like you were some kind of an alien. A xenomorph. Okay, Alien is my favorite movie. :D
I don’t know why. Probably to make sure that when the baby comes out it wouldn’t get a shock from seeing the mom’s face the first time πŸ˜€ and vice versa. Well, you are going to spend with each other whole life πŸ™‚

I am glad things are different these days. I was told that the bonding is very very important. And if you don’t have the proper bonding it can affect your relationship with your baby. That is just scary. Right? You are sh****** your pants from giving a birth to a child and they yet scare you with things like bad relationship with your lovely child. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit. πŸ˜€

Well, my bonding wasn’t the bonding you read in magazines about.

BUT… one week ago… I wasn’t in labor… I was in Liberec, testing a baby carrier according to the thorough manual. πŸ˜€ Almost like on airplane! πŸ™‚

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ONE WEEK SINGLE MOM CHALLENGE: 10 things I have learnt

Last week I was alone with my daughter. My boyfriend went climbing to Sicily. Yes, I let him go. It is his passion. The worst thing, from my point of view, is not letting your partner to do what he/she likes. Some women might disagree. And I admit it. When your man has way to many passions like cycling & climbing & drinking & spending too much time in bathroom (not in front of a mirror) & watching sports on TV it gets quite frustrating.

I took the week alone with my daughter as a C.H.A.L.L.E.N.G.E. ?
Who doesn’t like challenges, right? πŸ™‚

“It’s a Challenge but the Best Kind of Challenge” – Meryl Streep. She said on motherhood.

During this one week as “a single mom” I have learnt these 10 things

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