Black bean burgers

I got this recipe from my colleague Laura Higgins about 4-5 months ago. Every time I met Laura she would ask me “Did you do the burgers or not?” And I always said “No”. Tomorrow eventually I can tell “Yes, I did it”. πŸ™‚ I am going to use this as a proof of my today’s cooking. I know that Laura would be happy to see that I even put together a little manual for many other bean lovers. πŸ™‚

Those burgers are unbelievably easy to do. As a healthy choice you can have them only with some salad instead of in a bun.

All needed ingredients: 2 Cans of Black beans, Mayo, Breadcrumbs, Ground Cumin, Dried Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Fresh cilantro, Oil, Hamburger Buns
All needed ingredients: 2 Cans of Black beans, Mayo, Breadcrumbs, Ground Cumin, Dried Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Fresh cilantro, Oil, Hamburger Buns

What do you need?

2 (14-ounce) cans black beans
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/3 cup plain dry bead crumbs
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 soft hamburger buns

Accompaniments: sour cream, salsa, lettuce

1. Open first can of black beans, rinse properly and drain
1. Open first can of black beans, rinse properly and drain
2. Put rinsed beans in bowl with - mayonnaise - bread crumbs - cumin - oregano - cayenne
2. Put rinsed beans in bowl with - mayonnaise - bread crumbs - cumin - oregano - cayenne
and mash it.
and mash it.
3. Open the second can of black beans, rinse properly and drain.
3. Open the second can of black beans, rinse properly and drain.
4. Chop cilantro
4. Chop cilantro
finely as possible. If your hand doesn't hurt by chopping you better chop little more. :)
finely as possible. If your hand doesn't hurt by chopping you better chop little more. πŸ™‚
5. Add cilantro and the second half of beans into the mashed stuff in bowl. Mix it.
5. Add cilantro and the second half of beans into the mashed stuff in bowl. Mix it.
6. Make patties. You should end up with only 4. :)
6. Make patties. You should end up with only 4. πŸ™‚
7. Heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook them until
7. Heat oil over medium-high heat. Cook them until
8. they get slightly brown and crispy on the outside, then flip them and cook on the other side. About 5 minutes.
8. they get slightly brown and crispy on the outside, then flip them and cook on the other side. About 5 minutes.
9. Place them on a bun. You can add little bit of sour cream and salsa and add some lettuce.
9. Place them on a bun. You can add little bit of sour cream and salsa and add some lettuce.
And then have a big bite :o) I highly recommend only 1 burger per day. :o))) Thank to cayenne pepper they are little spicy. Cilantro as I have never tasted it in meal makes it so special :o) that you will definitely be cooking some more soon.
And then have a big bite πŸ™‚ I highly recommend only 1 burger per day. πŸ™‚ Thank to cayenne pepper they are little spicy. Cilantro as I have never tasted it in meal makes it so special πŸ™‚ that you will definitely be cooking some more soon.

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